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Switch up your commute to win!

Commute Smart Challenge – How will you get around?

Walk, bike, carpool, car share, take transit, skateboard or rollerblade to as many destinations as possible between September 14th and 21st, and record your trips on your commute calendar to earn points.

During the challenge, every trip taken on a sustainable mode – not just your commute – makes you eligible to win one of their great prizes.

Join in the challenge’s kick off celebration at Open Streets on September 13th from 10:00-14:00. EnviroCentre and the City are partnering with the Main Farmer’s Market in Old Ottawa East to open a portion of Main Street to all kinds of activities, while closing it to motorized traffic. Stop by to pick up some local produce and stay to enjoy a reimagined public space!

The Commute Smart Challenge is hosted by Ottawa RideMatch, a National Capital Area ridematching system that allows commuters to quickly and securely find carpool partners. By signing up for the Commute Smart Challenge, you’re eligible to use the site to find carpool partners, should you choose to complete your commuting profile.

Sign up now!

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